Chromium and Weight Loss

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How does chromium picolinate help weight loss?

Chromium and Weight Loss

We don't want to pick on chromium picolinate, even though the medical establishment doesn't quite believe its effectiveness on weight loss. What else is new? Studies are always picking on your nutritional choices. The smart woman picks and chooses what to believe. She believes in green tea. She wonders about hoodia and conjugated linoleic acid. She knows that a supplement without a diet and exercise regimen is foolish. But she also knows that chromium can help you tolerate glucose and make dieters more energized, not to mention satisfied in the stomach. Dieters feel full faster. Low-carb adherents don't get much chromium and probably need 200 micrograms of chromium a day to aid in weight loss. However, the smart woman realizes that weight loss starts a way of life, a healthy way. She doesn't look for quick solutions. We applaud that smart woman --- you.



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