Vitamins for Children Tips

Read these 4 Vitamins for Children Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Vitamin tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Getting the right vitamins as a teenager

The truth is most teenagers aren't getting the recommended amount of vitamins they need to continue to grow into healthy adults.

Whether it is a lack of time available for preparing meals or the lack of cash that prevents them from getting all of these healthy foods, many teenagers would be wise to include supplements in their daily routine.

Teens need:

Vitamin C and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The most important vitamins a teenager needs in their diet should be through fish, vegetables, and fruits. If your teen isn't eating these foods then a daily multivitamin may go a long way in keeping them healthy.


Most teenagers find themselves deficient in calcium, which can interfere with bone development and growth. Calcium deficiency can be amended through more milk, yogurt, cheese and dairy in general. Getting adaquate calcium early in life can also help prevent issues such as osteoporosis later on.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is acquired through exposure to sunlight. 10 to 20 minutes a day is plenty. If this is not doable, adding foods fortified with Vitamin D can be massively helpful on many different fronts, including the prevention of cancer. If Vitamin D can't be rounded out in a diet, taking a daily pill is the best course of action.

Note: Calcium and Vitamin D supplements should be taken together to increase absorbtion in the body.

Maintaining a healthy diet is difficult but certainly not impossible.


Keep Kids 5 - 12 Healthy With These Essential Vitamins

Healthy food and nutrition choices help children reach their full potential during their elementary school years. A diet that features important vitamins, protein, and whole grains help young brains grow during vital formative years.

Some educational research suggests that brain development "plateaus" once a child reaches adolescence, which means childhood nutrition weighs heavily on intellectual growth. Each essential vitamin for kids aged 5 - 12 is available in at least one type of food. Parents may also use vitamin supplements to cover gaps in food-based vitamin intake.

Create a healthy menu for kids that includes the following important vitamins:


Most kids get this healthy bone-building mineral from milk, but cheese, yogurt, and tofu also offer healthy doses. Look for "calcium fortified" foods and beverages if a child has dairy allergies.


An iron deficiency makes it difficult for kids to grow strong muscles and healthy red blood cells. Meats like beef, turkey, and pork offer kids iron. Vegetarian families may also find iron in spinach and beans.

Vitamin A

A diet that includes vitamin A boosts the immune system and ensures strong eyesight and overall growth. Yellow and orange vegetables like squash and carrots contain this essential vitamin.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is part of a group of vitamins that includes B2, B3, B6, and B12 and impacts many systems in the body like metabolism and energy levels. Snacking on nuts offers kids valuable B vitamins as well as meals with dairy, meat, and chicken.

Vitamin C

Kids with a healthy diet of vitamin C benefit through important muscle growth and tissue health. Including fruits like strawberries and citrus fruit ensures kids get the vitamin C they need.

Vitamin D

Calcium and vitamin D work together in the body to grow strong teeth and bones. 30 minutes of sunlight each day is the best source of vitamin D and encourages an active lifestyle.


Supplement your toddlers diet with the right vitamins

Any doctor will tell you that the first line of defense to a healthy lifestyle starts at the dinner table. Making sure that you and your children are eating enough, eating healthy, and eating the right vitamins will do wonders towards a healthy lifestyle down the road.

Toddlers need:

Vitamin C, Calcium, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Researchers say that if you can round out your toddler's diet with foods like: fish, fruit, and copious amounts of veggies then you're doing everything right. However, if this isn't possible due to allergies, tastes, availability or any other number of reasons, simply incorporate a nightly multivitamin into your toddler's routine.

Doctors also tout fish oil pills as a great vitamin additive as well. Filled with Omega-3 fatty acids you can expect fish oil pills to help with everything from brain development to joint health.

Vitamin D

Researchers suggest that allowing your toddler to get around 20 minutes of time in the sun daily is adaquate. No pill required.


Five Vitamin Brands that Your Child Needs

Children need vitamins to support their growing and changing bodies. These chewable supplements provide nutrition and support healthy bone growth and immunity. Many brands pack vitamins with such minerals as iron, calcium, and vitamins C and D. Here are five brands that you should buy for your child.

  • Flintstones Vitamins – These classic vitamins by Bayer are more than just childhood remnants. They have evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of kids, improving their formula to boost immune support and bone function. Some types come packed with extra iron and others with boosted Vitamin C. Kids can choose from regular or sour gummies.

  • L'il Critters – These vitamins by VitaFusion also have a kid-friendly tone to their packaging. Kids will enjoy the fun flavors, the gummy texture, and the fact that the vitamins are shaped like gummy bears. Parents can appreciate that these multivitamins come packed with choline and vitamins A, C, D, E, B-6, and B-12.

  • Animal Friends Children's Chewable Vitamins – These vitamins by Twinlab will appeal to children who love animals. These come in flavors like Bunch-O-Berry and contain plenty of calcium, zinc, beta-carotene, iron, and Vitamin C. Parents will feel good giving these vitamins to their kids, as they contain no dyes or artificial flavors.

  • Kids One – Rainbow Light produces these chewable tablets, packaged in a cutesy pink bottle. The multivitamins inside include probiotic cultures, vegetable concentrates, and only natural fruit flavors.

  • Animal Parade Children's Chewable Multivitamins – Nature's Plus also produces a line of animal-centric vitamins for kids. These contain minerals as well and come packed with a delicious natural fruit flavor. Vitamins are vegetarian, hypoallergenic, and contain whole food concentrates so that parents don't have to worry.

Any of these brands will appeal to children, so it's truly up to the parent to choose which one they most prefer. These days, vitamins are healthier, contain more minerals, and help better boost a growing child.

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