Vitamin C Drops Keep Falling On My Head

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Are vitamin C drops better for the immune system?

Vitamin C Drops Keep Falling On My Head

You hate taking chewable vitamin C because it reminds you too much of grade school. You would take chewable C if you could sneak your kids' Flintstones vitamins. But your immune system isn't worth the ridicule. So you give your kids chewable echinacea with goldenseal, blackberry flavor, and Vitamin C to keep away colds and flu. Relax --you're not missing out on immune system support if you don't take chewable vitamin C. However, you hate traditional vitamin C capsules, and you don't own your own personal orange grove. Flintstones addiction is looking better all the time. We recommend vitamin C (and vitamin E) liquid drops--you can combine them with your orange juice. Liquid absorbs as fast as Dino leaping on Fred. We also like vitamin C powder that you can mix with your favorite juice. Chewable tablets, including vitamin C, echinacea, and zinc, usually contain sugar, so we recommend the organic sugarless kind with natural flavors for your kids, and no chewables for you. Awww. You were looking forward to sampling a Wilma and a Barney again.



8/22/2006 2:05:11 AM
ijaz ahmad malik said:

vitamins are second life

12/17/2007 8:41:23 PM
Chris Robins said:

Echinacea can actually lower your immune system, leaving you more suseptible to colds and flus. For people with chronic illnesses or undergoing chemo, echinacea intake can cause the immune system to bail completely, leaving the body wide open to infections, viruses, and allergic reactions.


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