Whey Protein Supports Hard Workouts

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What are the benefits of whey protein?

Whey Protein Supports Hard Workouts

Protein is essential for everyone's good health, but scientific evidence shows that the more active you are, the more protein you need. If you are a serious fitness enthusiast or bodybuilder, or even if you are moderately active, you may not get enough protein from your diet alone, especially if you eat little or no meat.

Fortunately, a variety of protein supplements are available that are safe and inexpensive, especially whey protein supplements. Whey protein is considered a high-quality protein by many serious athletes for these reasons:

  • Bio-availability. Evidence suggests that the body absorbs whey protein faster than other types of protein.
  • Amino acids. Whey protein is rich in glutamine and branched chain amino acids, which are important for muscle strength.
  • Diet-friendly. Whey protein is low in calories, carbs, fat and lactose.
  • Wellness-boosting: Whey protein may support immune system function.

    Whey comes from milk—it is a by-product of the cheese-making process. But it is actually low in lactose (milk sugar), which makes it easy to digest. Quick digestion is especially helpful for serious athletes who don't want their training derailed by an upset stomach.

    Whey protein has a high concentration of essential amino acids (about 50%), which help the body build muscle. Studies from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicate that a diet high in protein enhances the muscle-building effects of hard exercise. In addition, protein provides consistent energy for endurance workouts and helps keep blood sugar levels stable. And don't ignore post-workout protein—whey protein is ideal to help the body repair and maintain muscle tissue.

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