April 27, 2007, Newsletter Issue #62: Hypothyroid and Weight Loss

Tip of the Week

You actually can use the gland excuse as to why you have difficulty losing weight -- but don't stop at the excuse! Hypothyroidism usually makes weight gain easy and weight loss difficult. If you're cold in August, have brittle hair and flaky skin, and irregular periods, you're hypothyroid. We assume you're taking thyroid medication, so before you try hoodia, green tea, conjugated linoleic acid (3,400 mg per day) or l-tyrosine (an essential amino acid for thyroid regulation) weight loss supplements, check for any negative interactions. Conjugated linoleic acid doesn't seem to have any negative interference with thyroid medication. As for chromium, a deficiency in chromium may cause thyroid problems, so you can take chromium picolinate for weight loss. But be sure to try not to take all of these supplements at once. Evaluate them with your internal medicine specialist and devise a weight loss plan that's tailored for you. The cause is your glands, but the glands don't determine your destiny, or your health.

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