October 26, 2007, Newsletter Issue #87: AIDS and Vitamin C

Tip of the Week

AIDS. We wear red ribbons, we watch celebrity announcements...and now you even have AIDS, or you love someone who does. What do you do? It's difficult to tell someone with a deadly disease to eat well, but you can't stop taking immune system boosters such as zinc, vitamin E, cinnamon, echinacea with goldenseal (this is one time when you'll try everything despite the warnings), acidophilus, fish oil and selenium. Don't forget the C -- C for courage, C for compassion, C for cheerfulness, and C for vitamin C. You can now ingest larger doses of vitamin C than normal simply because the vitamin gets drained faster from your system. The ascorbate "burn" (vitamin C is ascorbic acid) from AIDS wipes out the body's natural supply -- humans can't manufacture vitamin C in their own bodies in large doses anyway. Most AIDS patients take liquid vitamin C, according to Dr. Robert Cathcert, but ask your doctor. You may have diarrhea and stomach problems at higher doses, so take a mixture of calcium, magnesium and potassium ascorbate too. Or advise your loved one to take it. The Vitamin C is worth it -- ascorbic acid inhibits the virus! What do you do when you have AIDS or love someone who does? You lay in a supply of vitamin C and plenty of hope.

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