September 29, 2006, Newsletter Issue #34: Aloe Vera and Beauty

Tip of the Week

If you've ever had a sunburn, you squeezed aloe vera on it to soothe the inflamed skin. Or you rubbed aloe vera cream on it. There are many terrific topical aloe vera creams that moisturize your skin, giving you that healthy radiance. But since nutrients aren't always absorbed completely through the skin (and in vitamin C's case, may even leak out of the skin), we recommend a beauty supplement with aloe vera plus A and E that can help both skin and hair. Aloe supplements may include PABA, so if you are allergic to PABA, take an aloe vera-free beauty supplement. As for that sun-damaged skin, take alpha lipoic acid to cleanse your cells of free radical damage. While sun is good for you, limit your exposure, especially in the heat of the day. You always thought that raw aloe vera looked nauseating on your skin anyway.

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